This Comprehensive Plan was prepared to build upon the 1982 Comprehensive Plan. A Comprehensive Plan is a vision created with the assistance of the community to guide the Village’s growth for the next 20 years. The plan utilizes the opinions of the residents through a community wide survey and addresses the demographics, environmental, transportation, utility and economic development components that are necessary to develop a Comprehensive Plan.
Adoption of the Plan will give the Village statutory power to approve or deny subdivision plats within one and one-half miles from the Village’s corporate limits. Where there is less than one and one-half miles between Sherman and other municipalities, the municipalities may agree on a line that will serve as the jurisdictional boundary of each municipality. The boundary line
can not be located more than one and one-half miles from a village corporate limit.
The plan provides policies and objectives that serve as guidelines for Village officials to use when making land use and infrastructure decisions within their jurisdiction. Villages tend to change significantly over time; therefore the Comprehensive Plan is intended to be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the plan provides the necessary guidance needed to support future
land use and infrastructure decisions.
Click the following link to see the Sherman 2030 Comprehensive Plan