Officer Luke Hildebrand
For services set forth in the following citation
For action taken while serving as a Police Officer, Sherman Police Department on August 20, 2022, enduring life-threatening risk to himself to rescue another person from a life-threatening situation. On this date, Officer Hildebrand and Deputy Chief Aaron Entringer responded to a 911 emergency with Sherman Fire Protection District in Birch Lakes subdivision. Initial reports indicate a large tree limb had fallen upon a group of five people, some with serious injuries.
Upon their arrival, officers quickly determined the large limb had fallen and was obstructing the roadway and located an adult and a child with significant injuries. Officers triaged injured persons and requested additional ambulances be dispatched.
Deputy Chief Entringer rendered aid to the child that had sustained a leg fracture and was bleeding from the head. Officer Hildebrand was providing assistance when a loud crack was heard above with bystanders yelling to officers as a second branch came crashing down. Officer Hildebrand, without concern to his own personal safety, put himself over the top of Deputy Chief Entringer and the injured child to shield them from injury. A resident assisting in the rescue sustained a fractured ankle when the branch landed.
Officer Hildebrand’s actions to forsake his own personal safety, putting himself at risk to protect others in a critical situation and is a testament to his professional abilities, personal initiative, and dedication to duty. He reflected great credit upon himself, the police department, and the community he serves.

Sgt. Aaron Entringer
For services set forth in the following citation
For lifesaving action taken while serving as a Police Sergeant, Sherman Police Department on April 8, 2019, resulting in saving or sustaining a human life. On this date, Sergeant Entringer responded to a reported possible deceased subject by hanging. Sherman Fire Protection District and Medics First Paramedics also responded. Upon his arrival, he met with the 911 caller who reported she had spoken with her boyfriend approximately 10 minutes prior to finding him in the basement. Sgt. Entringer located the subject in the basement with a ligature around his neck. He did not appear to be breathing. Sergeant Entringer cut the ligature, lowering the male to the ground where he removed the ligature from his neck. He located a strong carotid pulse and began rescue breathing prior to EMS arrival. Fire department and paramedic continued medical care and transported the subject to the hospital while Sergeant Entringer continued to investigate the details of the incident. It was later determined the male suspect survived and was released from the hospital days later without any apparent affect. Sergeant Entringer provided direct medical care and most certainly contributed to the survivability of the traumatic injury. By his exceptional professional ability, his personal initiative, and dedication to duty, Sergeant Entringer reflected great credit upon himself, the police department, and the community he serves.

Kenneth & Betty Loyd
For services set forth in the following citation
In recognition of the above-mentioned individuals, for their actions in reporting suspicious activity observed on May 5, 2019. At approximately 11:00PM this date, you observed two persons going through unlocked vehicles in your neighborhood. You called police to report the suspicious activity/crime in-progress. Both you and your spouse assisted police by providing detailed descriptions and approximate location to responding officers. Your actions to call for police resulted in the apprehension of one juvenile suspect and the recovery of a stolen vehicle containing other stolen property from a neighboring jurisdiction. A second suspect was identified and taken into custody in the following days. By calling police, you prevented additional crimes from occurring within our community. Your willingness to help in a time of need reflects great credit upon yourselves and our community.

Pictured left to right: Chief Craig Bangert, Officer Schmillen and Sgt. Entringer.
Sgt. Aaron Entringer and Officer Jesse Schmillen
For services set forth in the following citation
In recognition of professionalism, discretion and proper judgement displayed on May 5, 2019. At approximately 11:00PM this date, Sergeant Entringer and Officer Schmillen received a burglary from motor vehicle in-progress report. The caller reports two subjects attempting to steal property from unlocked vehicles in their neighborhood and provided descriptions. Sergeant Entringer and Officer Schmillen responded to the location provided by 911 callers to see if he could observe any suspects. Both officers converged on the area, locating both suspects whom immediately fled on foot upon police contact. Officer Schmillen gave foot pursuit and apprehended a juvenile suspect in an adjacent backyard. Sergeant Entringer searched the immediate area for the second suspect but was unable to locate. Officer Schmillen quickly determined the juvenile suspect was wanted on a warrant for a parole violation: Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle. As other officers arrived to assist, Sergeant Entringer located a vehicle which had been stolen in a neighboring community containing stolen property. Further investigation provided an identification of the second suspect which resulted in a warrant for his arrest. He was taken into custody in the days following. Both officer’s response to this crime in-progress demonstrated successful and professional completion of a police task. Their actions resulted in the quick apprehension of the criminal suspects which reflect great credit upon themselves and the community they serve.

Pictured left to right: Chief Bangert, Sgt. Entringer, Officer Howard and Officer Schmillen
Sgt. Aaron Entringer, Officer Schmillen and Officer Ryan Howard
For services set forth in the following citation
In recognition of professionalism, discretion and proper judgement displayed on July 9, 2019. At approximately 6::20PM this date, in response to an attempt to locate burglary suspects in Menard County, Sergeant Entringer drove to an area near the county line to see if he could observe any suspects. Additional information became available that two suspect vehicles involved in the burglaries were also stolen. Sergeant Entringer located two vehicles matching the description provided and turned to follow when the vehicles fled south on State Route 124. Sergeant Entringer gave chase adhering to proper guidelines. Officers Jesse Schmillen and Ryan Howard responded to the intersection at Andrew Road to block motorist traffic from entering the intersection. Suspects bypassed the police vehicles and fled westbound. Both vehicles were abandon and suspects fled on foot at different locations in the Andrew area. Sergeant Entringer and Officer Howard quickly located and apprehended the first suspect. The second suspect fled from Officer Schmillen with the unoccupied suspect vehicle crashing into his unoccupied squad car. The suspect fled into a cornfield and adjoining wooded area. A manhunt with several law enforcement agencies ensued but terminated at nightfall. The suspect was located the following morning attempting to walk from the area. Each officer’s response to this critical incident demonstrated successful and professional completion of a police task. Their actions resulted in the quick apprehension of the criminal suspects which reflect great credit upon themselves and the community they serve.

Left to Right: Chief Craig Bangert, Office Nate Hedrick and Officer Jesse Schmillen
Officer Jesse Schmillen and Officer Nate Hedrick
Awarded for services set forth in the following citation
In recognition of professionalism, discretion and proper judgement displayed on January 26, 2019. At approximately 1:27AM this date, in response to an emergency dispatch for assistance, Officers Schmillen and Hedrick responded to a report of a burglary in-progress in Williamsville. The terrified woman who called 911 told dispatchers a man she doesn’t know had broken a window and entered her residence. She had gathered her 12-year-old daughter and was hiding in a bedroom, holding the door shut as the man was attempting to open it. Both officers made an emergency response and a covert approach, arriving first on-scene. Upon arrival, they observed a broken window. Officers Schmillen and Hedrick used proper cover and concealment tactics and communicated effectively while conducting a room clearing search. Officers located the suspect matching the description provided by dispatchers in the kitchen area. They engaged him with verbal commands at gunpoint and Taser. The suspect was apprehended without incident and turned over to Sheriff’s deputies upon arrival. Their response to this critical incident demonstrated successful and professional completion of a police task. Officers Schmillen and Hedrick’s actions resulted in the quick apprehension of this criminal suspect which reflect great credit upon themselves and the community they serve. (Presented at the February 19, 2019 Village Board of Trustees Meeting.)

Left to Right: Officer David Craven, Officer John Turasky and Deputy Chief Chris Fulscher
Deputy Chief Chris Fulscher
For services set forth in the following citation
For meritorious service while serving as Deputy Chief of the Sherman Police Department from February 2016 to present. Deputy Chief Fulscher performed his duties in a highly efficient, exemplary and professional manner. He consistently manages tasks and completes all assignments. He organizes and schedules a variety of activities. He oversees or conducts all criminal investigations of the department, assigns follow up investigations, supervises daily patrol operations, serves as a field training officer, crime scene investigator and public information officer. He has recently secured a traffic safety mobilization grant through Illinois Department of Transportation. His efforts have certainly made an outstanding contribution to the efficiency and effectiveness of the department and to the safety of the citizens of Sherman. His leadership is reflected in the professional performance of the officers which has further enhanced the image of the department. The Sherman Police Department enjoy an outstanding reputation due in large part to Deputy Chief Fulscher's dedication. His professionalism and devotion to duty reflects great credit upon himself and is in keeping with the highest traditions of the Sherman Police Department.
Officer John Turasky and Officer David Craven
For services set forth in the following citation
In recognition of professionalism, discretion and proper judgement displayed on September 13, 2018. At approximately 10:58PM this date, in response to an emergency dispatch for assistance, Officer Turasky and his assigned probationary officer David Craven responded to a report of a subject shot in the face at Riverside Park. A description of the suspect that had fled on foot toward the park exit was provided. Upon arriving on-scene, they observed the suspect running near the exit and both officers gave chase. Believing the suspect to be armed, Officers Turasky and Craven used proper cover and concealment tactics and communicated effectively by radio while in foot pursuit. Officers closed on the suspect as he attempted to scale a chain link fence and overwhelmed him with verbal commands and officer presence. At the time he was taken into custody at gunpoint, he was carrying a cell phone in his hand. The firearm used in the offense was tossed during the chase and later recovered. Their response to this critical incident demonstrated successful and professional completion of a police task in the face of hazardous personal safety conditions. Officers Turasky and Craven’s actions resulted in the quick apprehension of an armed and dangerous suspect which reflect great credit upon themselves and the community they serve.

Left to Right: Chief Craig Bangert, Marilyn Sebring, Mike Sebring and Mayor Trevor J. Clatfelter.
Mike and Marilyn Sebring
For services set forth in the following citation
In recognition of the above-mentioned individuals, for their actions in reporting suspicious activity observed on August 20, 2018. At approximately 9:25AM this date, you observed a person in a remote, tall grassy area behind your residence in Sherman. You called police to come check on the welfare as you were uncertain if it was a homeless person that had stayed overnight or someone who may have walked off from the nursing home. Both you and your spouse assisted police in follow up calls to find the exact location. Your actions to call for police response resulted in locating an elderly woman whom had walked away from her area apartment, had fallen in the tall wet grass and was unable to get up. Police requested the Fire Department and an ambulance respond to the scene. The woman was soaked from lying in the wet and muddy grass and appeared confused. She was transported to a Springfield hospital for treatment. By calling police, you likely prevented a more serious medical emergency or death due to exposure had it not been observed and reported. Your willingness to help in a time of need reflects great credit upon yourselves and our community.

Left to Right: Chief Craig Bangert, Sandra Walters and Mayor Trevor J. Clatfelter
Sandra Walters
For services set forth in the following citation
In recognition of the above-mentioned individual, for her actions in recognition of suspicious activity observed on September 13, 2018. At approximately 8:47AM this date, you observed two subjects walking in the area of First & Meredith streets in Sherman. The subjects were attempting to flag down passing motorist claiming they had car trouble. Due to their appearance or as a result of your instincts, you called for police assistance. Your actions to call for police response resulted in the quick apprehension of two fugitives wanted for Escape from Custody from an Alabama Sheriff’s work detail and the recovery of a stolen vehicle they abandon nearby. Additionally, your timely call to police likely prevented an additional crime, i.e. carjacking or stolen vehicle offense in furtherance of their escape. Your willingness to help in a time of need reflects great credit upon yourself and our community.
Sherman Police Department Receives ILEAS Preparedness Award

The Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System (ILEAS) has awarded the Sherman Police Department a certificate of completion in recognition of superior planning and preparedness by a law enforcement agency to defend against disaster and emergencies.
Participation in the ILEAS Agency Preparedness Program is voluntary. ILEAS encourages member agencies to participate in the program to enhance their readiness to respond, request and accept mutual aid resources, and to maintain operations at the emergency site in the event of a local or multi-jurisdictional disaster. Sixteen objectives must be met by an agency for certification.

Sgt. Aaron Entringer
Lifesaving Commendation on July 19, 2016
For lifesaving action taken on June 20, 2016, resulting in saving or sustaining a human life. On this date, Sergeant Entringer responded to a single vehicle roll-over accident in which 1st Responders on-scene reported 3 injured patients including a 6-year-old child that had been ejected from the vehicle.
Sergeant Entringer is a licensed EMT-Paramedic with years of previous full-time experience. Due to limited medical assistance on-scene at the time, he went directly to the traumatically injured child providing emergency medical care. While enroute to the hospital trauma center Sergeant Entringer continued patient care and then transferred care to the hospital trauma team upon their arrival at the hospital. The child immediately was taken to surgery due to the severity of her skull fractures and head injury.
Neurosurgeons subsequently reported the child’s chance for a full recovery was due to their ability to operate so quickly. Sergeant Entringer, working with others on-scene and throughout transport to the hospital, provided direct medical care and most certainly contributed to the survivability of the traumatic injuries to the child. By his exceptional professional ability, his personal initiative, and dedication to duty, Sergeant Entringer reflected great credit upon himself, the police department, and the community he serves.

Sgt. Aaron Entringer
Lifesaving Commendation on March 21, 2017
For lifesaving action taken on February 18, 2017, resulting in saving or sustaining a human life. On this date, Sergeant Entringer responded for a 64 year old woman who had accidentally cut the left wrist on a broken instrument in her kitchen while cooking. She was able to call 911 and reported that blood was pouring out of the wound. Sergeant Entringer responded to assist with the emergency. Upon his arrival, he assessed the woman had lost “pints of blood”. He attempted to stabilize the bleeding with direct pressure and elevation, but quickly determined the bleeding was arterial. Believing the woman to be entering a state of shock, Sergeant Entringer deployed a combat tourniquet which stopped the bleeding prior to EMS arrival. It was later confirmed the woman had cut her radial artery, two tendons and a nerve to her thumb. The treating Emergency Room physician directly contributed the woman’s survival to the quick action and application of the tourniquet by Sergeant Entringer. Sergeant Entringer provided direct medical care and most certainly contributed to the survivability of the traumatic injury. By his exceptional professional ability, his personal initiative, and dedication to duty, Sergeant Entringer reflected great credit upon himself, the police department, and the community he serves.