The Village maintains approximately six snow plows/snow removal vehicles. The policy is to attend to the major arterial streets first and the balance of the secondary streets thereafter. When it snows, the Village asks residents to please remove all vehicles from village streets to allow for faster, safer and more efficient snow plowing and snow removal.
Village ordinances prohibit the parking of vehicles on village streets during a Village declared Snow Emergency. Neighborhood cul-de-sacs are especially difficult to plow so your cooperation is very much appreciated. To learn if a Snow Emergency has been declared, please check the Village Website at www.shermanil.org or our FaceBook page. An easy way to automatically receive such notice is to sign up for e-mail and/or text messaging from "eLert", our free electronic alerting system.
It should be noted that the Village also has a volunteer corps of individuals (Snow Birds) who also provide snow plowing services when needed. They are called upon when needed and perform the same snow plowing functions as that of a permanent Public Works employee.