Parents & SES Students . . . We have tabulated the Prize Winners to the Prizes Awarded at Tuesday Evening's Willie the Frog Awards Ceremony . .
We had 74 Prizes awarded for 109 entrants . . .
Since Winners did not have to be present to win . . we have several prizes left unclaimed . . Please check the attached list to see if you are a winner and if you have not yet claimed your prize . .
If you are an unclaimed prize winner you may claim your prize starting Thursday, December 19, 2019 or Friday, December 20, 2019 from 9am until Noon and again 2pm until 4pm on both days . . Prizes can be claimed at Village Hall Administrative Offices, 401 St. John's Drive (across the street north of Springfield Clinic/Sherman) . .
If you are unable to make these times, please email at to coordinate a time to claim your prize . .
Thank you everyone and Merry Christmas!!