Cub Scout Pack 330 and Boy Scout Troop 330 will once again this year be participating in the annual Scouting for Food event.
We will also be collecting American flags for retirement at County Market in Sherman on the day of food pick up this year from 9am to 11am (March 20).
Scouting for Food is an on-going annual program of the Boy Scouts of America, begun in 1985, that collects food for local food banks. It is organized at the local level throughout the country. Each year, local Cub and Boy Scouts leave plastic bags for their neighbors soliciting canned food items. One week later, the Scouts return to pick up and deliver the bags of food to a local food bank. Scouting for Food is a project rooted in the very foundation of the Scouting movement and its dedication to implement the Scout Slogan, “Do a good turn daily”.
During March 13th through March 18th, Cub and Boy Scouts from Pack/Troop 330 will distribute bags to homes in Sherman and Williamsville. Bags will be placed on front door handles, or under front porch rugs. Citizens are asked to stock the bags with non-perishable food items. The bags should then be left on homes’ front doors before 9 am on Saturday, March 20th.
Scouts will also be at County Market in Sherman to collect food and retired American Flags on Saturday, March 20th from 9am to 11am.
Scouts will collect the food items and take them to the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Food Pantry. The pantry provides items to those in need in the Sherman, Williamsville and Riverton areas.
If you have any questions please contact me at barbara.zemaitis@gmail.com or 618-201-5252