If you notice small flags of various colors placed in the grass in your neighborhood you may ask, what does this mean? Someone in the vicinity is planning to dig and they called JULIE (811) to mark the areas where utilities such as gas, phone, and electricity have been buried. But what do all the different colors mean?
The American Public Works Association has color-coded all utilities so it’s easy for those in the industry to immediately identify what utility is running where. Here’s a key to the flag colors. Remember, if flags are in your yard, please do not remove them!
🔴 Red: Electric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables
🟠 Orange: Telecommunication, alarm or signal lines, cables, or conduit
🌕 Yellow: Natural gas, oil, steam, petroleum or other gaseous or flammable material
🟢 Green: Sewers and drain lines
🔵 Blue: Drinking water
🟣 Violet: Reclaimed water, irrigation, and slurry lines
⚪️ White: Proposed excavation limits or route
Pink: Temporary survey markings, unknown/unidentified facilities
And REMEMBER.. Also, CALL 811 before you dig.
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