Village of Sherman, IL
Tornado Thank You Video
On the evening of March 31, 2023, an EF-2 (nearly EF-3) tornado hit the Village of Sherman. The following video recaps in 10 minutes the event and thanks those that came to our assistance. To see the video please click this link: https://youtu.be/grXWySNz4i0.
Message from the Mayor
I want to take this last opportunity to speak to you directly. All of you volunteers, and police, fire, administrative staff, emergency management personnel, as the Mayor of the Village of Sherman. On behalf of the entire village Board of Trustees, on behalf of the nearly 5,000 citizens of the Village. On behalf of parents, grandparents, children, and everybody, we want to say thank you for always having our back, thank you for all the things that you do on a day-to-day basis and most of all equally we want to say thank you for everything that you did starting March 31st. We were faced with an F2 tornado that hit our town and the effects days after that. We thank you for getting us back to normal, restoring our livelihoods, restoring our lives, getting our property back to what it needs to be. Thank you for always having our back. Thank you to all that came out and worked through the morning hours came back out again and again. Thank you everything that you've done. – Trevor J. Clatfelter