Sherman First Responders Prepare for Emergencies
For the past two years, Sherman police and firefighters have coordinated training and performed joint drills specifically geared towards mass casualty events. Originally planned to augment school active shooter response scenarios, the fire district proposed the purchase of three Mass Casualty Incident Litter Kits, two to equip first responding apparatus, and one to pre-stage at Sherman Elementary School.
“The initial plan was to provide necessary equipment for firefighter response to active shooter incidents, but the gear also would serve equally for a tornado response, large transportation emergency, or any mass casualty incident in the community”, said Chief of Police Craig Bangert. Fire Chief Todd Masterhan said, “Our kits are set up to match those used by Springfield Fire. Williamsville Fire is also planning to match equipment for uniformity. This will improve our mutual aid capabilities as we are all using the same gear.”
The kits contain all-in-one trauma treatment & evacuation for aiding multiple trauma patients. Compartments are tagged to easily locate equipment.
The kits, costing $1,200 each, and were purchased with funds from the police department’s public safety calendar account and donations.