Click Here For SACC Press Release
The Sherman Area Chamber of Commerce (SACC) board was approached by the police department to ascertain if SACC would be interested in raising needed funds to replace two 10 year old Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).
The request was enthusiastically approved with the SACC Board challenging it's members to donate funds toward the new units. In addition, the SACC Board indicated they would match for every dollar raised (up to $1,500). The Chamber wishes to recognize the following organizations for their generous donations:
- American Family Insurance
- Country Companies Financial
- Carter Brothers Lumber
- SNAP Fitness
- Farm Credit
- Fancy Creek Township
- Springfield Clinic Sherman
At the February 19th Village Board meeting; Sean Bull, President of the Chamber presented to Chief Craig Bangert a check for $3,650 toward the purchase of these life saving pieces of equipment.
(pictured above from left to right). Ed Legner, Country Companies Financial and Sean Bull, American Family Insurance (and President of the Sherman Area Chamber of Commerce) presenting a check to Chief Craig Bangert.